Sunday, December 26, 2010


Ok so I haven't written in forever. So here is an update.
December: I got to teach a ton! We had several days with the substitute so I got to do a lot of the teaching which was absolutely fantastic. We made some cute crafts for the holidays and had a good time. The 2 stories that stick in my mind the most are both about little Outrageous Orange (OO). So the first one was on a day where I did the opening circle then transitioned to my mentor teaching. My circle time went great with the kids paying attention and staying quiet, even more so than usual. I turned the class over to my fantastic mentor and all the sudden they were loud and wiggly and they were just not being respectful of her. She asked them why all the sudden when she started teaching they started talking and OO says, "But Miss B is our teacher." It was completely inappropriate but also quite funny.

Then just before break I had taken the class out to recess about 5 minutes earlier and was in the room with 2 girls who decided to stay in for medical reasons. When OO walks into the room...I was thoroughly confused. So I asked "OO where were you?" (I thought I had taken him to recess...) His response was very matter of fact, "It takes me a long time to poop." Then he got his coat and went out to recess.

First graders have no filters.

I had my conference with my Fabulous Mentor and Fantastic Supervisor. It went great! They think I am doing a great job and gave me great marks. I also earned a 4.0 in my course work at the college!

Now for January: I will start taking over by about the 13th and by the beginning of February I will be teaching full time for 8 weeks! I can't wait!

More stories to come soon I am sure. Back to school on the 3rd! Until then I will enjoy the rest of my break. I will try to update more often now that I don't have big papers to write anymore.